This game was created as part of Unity's Create with Code 2 Game Jam, which took place from 18th to 20th February 2022. The whole game was designed, coded, and tested by myself over the course of 48 hours. The theme was "One Rule". I went for a simple guessing game where you have to devise a single meal which will please three clients, who each have one rule to satisfy. I was initially planning to add levels and have more clients come in as the game advanced, but restricted this prototype to one level (with three clients) to ensure I would have time. The preferences of each client are randomly generated at the start of every game.

NB: I initially lacked the time to implement a mechanism to exclude impossible combinations, but I have since patched the game to implemented such a mechanism.

Development log


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Wow! the game is addictive😁

Cool little game! I liked how you only had a set amount of time to view the clients dislikes and kinda of think about what you need to change.